Twin Peaks Gaming Logo

Welcome to Twin Peaks Gaming!

Twin Peaks Gaming is an Adult Gaming Community that hosts a variety of games. We host different games that can change from time-to-time.  As of right now we have hosted Minecraft servers, Ark, 7 Days to Die, Dark and Light, GTA 5 Roleplay, Factorio, Space Engineers, and many more!

We also have guilds on SWTOR, ESO, PoE, Diablo 3, WoW, and other MMO’s . We often put together LoL, Overwatch & Rocket League team games that all members are free to join. If you are interested in gaming with us, please head over to the Join Us page and sign up today!

Just a reminder, we actively screen applications to ensure that the players we allow in are of the appropriate age for this community.

We are almost always active on Discord. Once you join and fill in the application, we can approve you and You’ll be able to join in on the fun.

New announcement on the Discord! Saturday July 20, 2024

mike63x: Fine Peoples of TwinPeaksGaming, after much frustration I seem to have the latest Experimental Version of 7 Days to Die up and running. This is a experimental build, so you will be likely to encounter bugs and issues along the way. Please review in its complete entirety as all the information is important. Best of Luck out there survivors. If anybody want to team up, I am down! AND as always please enjoy the game! Thank you for choosing TPG!

New announcement on the Discord! Friday May 31, 2024

redeye123: @everyone Mike wanted to play ATM9 To the sky and so were a lot more and cause my paypal got a hefty donation with the comment UPLOAD NOW i just could not wait any longer . So here it is IP’s are located inside Have Fun !

New announcement on the Discord! Monday May 20, 2024

redeye123: @everyone really wanted to play V Rising with us and sent me a hefty amount of Sexy Pictures my way to make sure i set up a server for this . so after some me time i put it up for all of us to enjoy . Server Direct Connect port Server Query port for steam With our standard password for all steam servers Have Fun !

New announcement on the Discord! Saturday April 27, 2024

mike63x: @everyone I had another itch to play some 7 Days To Die so I put a server up. I HIGHLY encourage you to completely read the as there is a bunch of useful information that you need to know. Also there is the link to the modpack and instructions on where to place the Mods folder. There is also a picture of the map as well.