gimzi: @everyone Much love to you all! A friend of TPG has come to us asking for some help. If you are able to assist, anything helps!
Hi my name is Valsis.
I come to you in hopes you can help my mother.
My mom, after undergoing a breast exam, she got directed to get a microbipsy to figure out the severity of the lump found in her breast. it so happens that it was confirmed as Cancer.
We are devastated as she has to undergo surgery (already scheduled on March 12) however our finances are not up to par to the full extent of the cost of the entire operation.
While 83% of the surgery + radiation + bandage replacements are fully covered by our health insurance, we still have to pay 1200€ for the surgery itself.
I can only cover 500€ and we need help with the remaining.
With this I’m coming to you in despair and urgency in order to help my mother.
Any help will be more than welcome, truly and wholeheartedly appreciated.